Fare clic qui per la versione originale in italiano.
the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit
in the Most Holy Trinity.
Father who art in heaven
(everywhere in the atom and the Universe with all the forces visible
and invisible and the atom and the Universe would no longer exist if
You were to withdraw from it, since You alone remain pure and intact
in Your infinite Power, Wisdom, Truth, Glory) hallowed
be Thy name infinite in its
attributes of Power of Beauty, of Truth. Thy
Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us
this day our daily bread, our
temporal bread and our spiritual bread since You are in all things
and nothing can exist without You. (...) Be our food, our life our
light our intellect. Be our Essence. Forgive
us our trespasses in this earthly
life and our past existences as
we forgive those who trespass against us,
do not let us fall into temptation, but deliver us from Error, since
You are the Lord the Force, the Law in the heaven of the Aeons.
Father You gave me this life, this mind, this body lent me for the
transit on this earth and I am beyond all form eternal and
destined to You in Supreme Identity.
And together with life you filled me to the brim with divine,
inestimable gifts that the fool, the blind, deaf,
ungrateful and ignoble being that I am
with Life itself. Father show paternal indulgence for my ignorance. I
have fallen into the abyss of darkness and filth, where I stumble
around craving You calling You invoking You so that in the name of
Christ you will send me the means of Power and Light to deliver me
from my wretched tormented condition.
Father bless the innumerable multitudes of beings in all the worlds.
In You, even though we are innumerable, we are a single thing and if
the mind cannot grasp so much innumerability our heart and our spirit
feel it and comprehend it in You. Give us together with them your
deep divine Eternal peace.
Father bless Humanity which is racing towards ruin. Take away from us
and attenuate so much misfortune but if You are resolved otherwise
may Your will be done be blessed and be glorified because You are
Eternal goodness in Eternal Perfection.
bless my ancestors. May those now reintegrated into Your Bosom in
Supreme Identity with You always assist me, help me, comfort me. May
they comfort their distant and miserable descendant, meritless,
unworthy but nevertheless with the eternal flame bestowed by You and
the divine ray that binds me to you. Call those who follow their
ways, ever nearer to your glory ever closer to you. And you, my
venerable forebears, stripped now of this our miserable flesh, freed
now from our earthly passions, purified enlightened and therefore
closer to the Truth, forgive the many grave failings of my life,
watch over my future and defend me assist and advise me as the
Eternal One inspires you.
my parents: my father Bernardino, my mother Maria Giustina, my
grandfather Lorenzo, my grandmother Giustina, my grandparents
Francesco and Elisabetta my uncles and aunts Antonio Carlo Giuseppe
Bettina Lucia Bartolina Battista my brother my sisters and all my
family living and deceased.
my enemies. Take away hatred, resentment, the will to harm from our
hearts and our minds. Pour down on us Your grace and Your peace,
profound, divine, eternal in You.
One, bless my older brothers, the saints, the initiates, the sages,
my protectors in the invisible and their venerable masters as well as
the spirits of the
elect who from heaven in Your name
assist me help me comfort me here on earth. Bless René Guénon, my
venerated instructor here on earth, who has given me a little light
and sure guidance towards Deliverance. His merits are so many that
you alone can remunerate
them. Gather him up into Supreme Identity with You. And You, O my
venerated instructor, do not abandon me, this miserable being in
search of light, and be always my sure guide towards deliverance.
One, bless the leaders of human religions; give them the wisdom to
lead their faithful to that heavenly kingdom which You have promised
us through the mouths of so many of your messengers
from remote ages up until the
present and through the mouth of Jesus Christ Your divine son and our
particular intercessor with You.
One, bless the Brahmatma, the holiest the wisest among men, the
intermediary between You and humanity who he leads to total
reintegration into
You through the immensity of the heavens. Glorify him in
You, glorify yourself in Him, receive his invocations favourably,
sustain him always and act so that he maintains and increases his
spiritual influence over me.
thank you O Father for the night (and the day) you have given me.
Watch over me today (on this night as I sleep, illuminate into my
dreams, instruct me, and remove from my mind and my heart all and any
sensual thoughts and purposes). And on this day watch over my
actions, my intentions, thoughts and words. Bless my food and my
me from greed for earthly goods, from anger from hatred from
resentment, from the seduction of libidinous or lustful thoughts,
from arrogance or prideful
gluttony, from injustice, from
vanity, from envy. Father lead me out of the darkness and enlighten
me, lead me away from filth and purify me, and thus enlightened and
purified let me live out the rest of the days that You grant me
righteously, at the end of which give me a death not sudden but
happy, calm, serene and completely aware in You, in possession of
subtle intermediaries who prevent my spirit from wavering and my
intelligence from declining. Amen! Om!
Om! Om!
the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit in the
Most Holy Trinity.
Say: I am not body mind life, being beyond any form destined for God
in Supreme Identity
in the rule. In the name of the Father the Son the Holy Spirit in the
Most Holy Trinity one and indivisible. Aum! (do) Aum! (mi) Aum! (sol)
(breathing as Guénon advises)
Infinite spirit, omnipotent Eternal One. You have permeated with
yourself everything that exists, from the infinitesimal atom to
myself to the visible and invisible Universe with every power, so
much so that if You withdrew from it, nothing would exist any longer
neither atom nor myself nor the visible and invisible universe with
every Power Everything! Only You would remain intact, untouched,
immaculate, infinite in Your Power Your Wisdom Your Knowledge Your
Truth Your Beauty Your Light Your Glory!
Atma (Universal Spirit) Ishvara (universal being) Purushottama
(Brahma that resides in the vital center (heart
- Prakriti or Pumas
- Pradhana (the two produce the
rajas tamas
is the ray of light of Atma Buddhi or Mahat, the first product of
Brahma Vishnu Shiva
in jivatma
This is the original punctuation.
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